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54 Ways to Relax (When Life Feels Overwhelming)

I don’t know about you, but life feels especially heavy right now with the weight of the world’s conflict - a word that doesn’t even begin to describe the heartbreak of everything going on.

I’ve felt helpless, sadness, confusion, a complete loss of control and utter heartbreak trying to wrap my head around it all - and even more heavy is the feeling of so many innocent lives being torn apart.

If you’ve been feeling any of the above - or a number of any other feelings that are completely valid -

You are not alone. While I don’t have the answers on a global (or personal) level, I hope I can help you find at least an ounce of stress relief - because while it can feel like a luxury to relax, I’d like to offer you the following reminder:

When you’re on a plane, the flight attendants remind you that should the oxygen masks drop - to put your mask on before helping anyone else.

I use this reminder when I find myself feeling selfish for seeking peace.

Because you can’t help anyone else if you’re not in a state to hold your own head up.

Allow yourself to feel. Let yourself cry, let yourself feel anger, let yourself feel. everything you need to - so you can move past the weight of these heavy emotions and move into a place where you can drive change.

But in order to do that - you have to put your oxygen mask on first.

Life can be a whirlwind. It often feels like we're caught in a constant storm of responsibilities, commitments, and unexpected challenges. In these moments, it's easy to lose sight of ourselves and feel like life is spiraling out of control. For anyone who’s ever experienced anxiety, burnout or overwhelm, we’ve all heard the response…

Have you tried relaxing?

Wow, what a great suggestion. Thank you so much for fixing my life! 😉

While it’s easier said than done, finding ways to implement relaxation - from micro moments of zen to taking more than a few days off to recharge - is a necessity for our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It's a way to recharge and regain a sense of control when life becomes overwhelming. I don’t know about you - but witnessing the heartbreaking chaos of the world can often feel all consuming and really emotionally draining on top of trying to manage my own to-do list & emotional bandwidth.

If you could use a little extra dose of stress relief (couldn’t we wall), here are 54 ways to relax, no matter how busy or chaotic life may seem:

Mindful Breathing Techniques:

  • Deep Breathing: Take a moment to inhale deeply through your nose, hold, and exhale slowly through your mouth.

  • Box Breathing: Inhale for four counts, hold for four counts, exhale for four counts, and hold for four counts. Repeat.

  • Mindful Breathing: Breathwork doesn’t have to be complicated; it can be as simple as noticing your breathing. Start by focusing on the rise and fall of your chest or the sensation of the air passing through your nostrils.

  • Counting Breaths: Count your breaths, slowly and deliberately, up to a certain number.

Physical Relaxation Techniques:

  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: Tense and release each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and working your way up.

  • Guided Imagery: Visualize a peaceful place and immerse yourself in the sights, sounds, and sensations.

  • Body Scan: Mentally scan your body for tension or discomfort and release it with each breath.

  • Autogenic Training: This is a relaxation technique that focuses on physical sensations within the body; it allows you to tune out external overwhelm & find relaxation by tuning inward. An example of this would be exploring lightness within your body; start with a self-statement such as “my right arm is light” (imagine the feeling if lightness within your right arm). Move to the left arm, your torso, each leg, your hands & your feet. The chart below provides a great overview on the 6 stages of Autogenic Training/Relaxation.

Time Honored Mindfulness Practices:

  • Meditation: Practice mindfulness meditation to cultivate a present-moment awareness.

  • Yoga: Engage in gentle yoga poses to stretch and relax your body.

  • Tai Chi: Explore the flowing movements of Tai Chi to calm your mind.

  • Walking Meditation: Take a slow, mindful walk, paying attention to each step.

Find Grounding in Nature:

  • Nature Walk: Go for a walk in a park or natural setting and connect with the outdoors.

  • Stargazing: Spend an evening under the stars, contemplating the vastness of the universe.

  • Picnic: Enjoy a picnic in the sunshine with your favorite snacks.

  • Step outside: In the business of day to day, sometimes stepping outside to feel the sun on your face for a few minutes, breath in the fresh air, or taking a quick walk around the block can work wonders for your mental wellbeing.

Creative Outlets:

  • Journaling: Write down your thoughts, feelings, and experiences.

  • Drawing or Painting: Express yourself through art.

  • Coloring: Try adult coloring books for a relaxing creative outlet.

  • Crafts: Engage in DIY projects that spark your creativity.

Technology Break:

While technology can offer a fun mindless break, it can also prove to add more stress to our lives when what we really need is a mindful break. In a fast-paced, technology forward world, dedicating time to take a break from technology can help.

  • Digital Detox: Unplug from screens for a set period each day.

  • Phone-Free Hour: Designate an hour before bedtime as screen-free.

  • No Email Sundays: Dedicate Sundays (or another day of the week) to email-free relaxation.

Destress in the Kitchen:

  • Cooking: Try new recipes and savor homemade meals.

  • Baking: Bake cookies, bread, or your favorite treats.

  • Tea Time: Enjoy a cup of herbal tea with mindfulness.

  • Mindful Eating: Savor each bite, focusing on taste and texture.

Music and Sounds:

  • Music Therapy: Listen to calming or uplifting music. Spotify has a great collection that you can search based on your mood, and the Insight Timer app is a staple for my meditation practice (that I use for both guided mediation & soothing music).

  • Nature Sounds: Play recordings of nature sounds like birdsong or ocean waves.

  • White Noise: Use white noise machines or apps for relaxation.

Physical Self-Care Practices:

  • Bubble Bath: If you’re lucky enoughTake a long, luxurious soak in the tub.

  • Aromatherapy: Use essential oils to create a soothing atmosphere.

  • Massage: Treat yourself to a professional massage or self-massage.

  • Spa Day: Create a spa experience at home with facials and relaxation.

Reading and Escapism:

  • Read a Book: Escape into a captivating novel or non-fiction book.

  • Listen to Audiobooks: Enjoy books while relaxing or on the go.

  • Watch a Movie: Have a movie night with your favorite films.

  • Podcasts: Listen to podcasts on topics that interest you.

Connection and Social Relaxation:

  • Quality Time: Spend time with loved ones who make you feel at ease. Phone a friend - or simply text a friend & ask for extra support right now.

  • Laughter Therapy: Spend time with friends who can always make you laugh, watch a funny show (Modern Family is a favorite of mine!) or create a playlist of videos that make you laugh. This is a favorite of mine when I could use a little extra lightness.

  • Physical Comfort: Spend time with your pets for a cuddle session, or curl up with an extra cozy blanket & your softest pajamas.

Spiritual and Reflective:

  • Connect with a higher power: Use prayer or connect with your spirit guides when you’re in need of some extra guidance.

  • Gratitude Journal: Write down things you're grateful for each day.

  • Mindful Gratitude: Reflect on your blessings and appreciate them fully.

  • Volunteer: Help others and find relaxation in giving back.

Fitness and Movement:

  • Dancing: Dance like no one's watching to your favorite tunes.

  • Hiking: Explore nature trails and unwind in the great outdoors.

  • Swimming: Take a dip in a pool or natural water source.

  • Biking: Go for a bike ride in your neighborhood or on scenic routes.

Travel and Exploration:

  • Road Trip: Plan a spontaneous road trip to explore new places.

  • Local Adventures: Discover hidden gems in your own city.

  • Solo Travel: Experience the freedom and self-discovery of solo travel.

  • Camping: Enjoy the simplicity of camping and stargazing.

Wellness Retreats:

  • While it’s not a feasible everyday opportunity, sometimes we need a full reset. If you’re interested in joining a future Get Rooted: Wellness Retreat, you can sign up for my newsletter here - and you’ll be the first to know when the next wellness retreat is announced.

Trusted Resources

  • Sometimes the best thing we can do is speak with a therapist or trusted professional. You can use this link to find a therapist that fits your preferences, as well as other verified resources for mental health support.

Remember, relaxation is a personal journey, and everyday can look different. Try different methods to discover what works best for you - some days, a quick pause feels more accessible that an hour-long stress relieving workout class.

While it may feel like a luxury, relaxation is an essential for managing stress, anxiety, overwhelm & overall mental wellbeing. The best reminder I often share with others (& myself); when you’re on a plane, you’re reminded that - should an oxygen mask drop, always put your mask on before helping others.

It’d be quite difficult to help others if you’re not able to breathe well enough to hold your own head up - so remember to put your oxygen mask on first, today. 🩵

What’s most helpful for you when you need a moment of relaxation? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.