The Power of a Personal Repot: Give Yourself Room to Grow
Repotting a plant gives its roots more space to grow; it gives the plant a stronger base that’s needed to expand above the dirt, and the same goes for you & your own growth.
People often think making big changes = a grandiose event that you do if you’re completely burnt out. Things like self-care, therapy, & wellness retreats serve you the same way repotting your favorite plant does - to help you recover from/prevent burnout, relieve stress and give you the space to grow.
Think of it this way:
When you keep a plant in one pot, you can water it & give it appropriate sunlight, but it can only grow as much as the roots have room for in it’s current pot.
When you repot it to a bigger pot, it can take a few days to settle in, but it now has space to grow.
Going to therapy, choosing to shift course, or attending a wellness retreat is a repot for your soul.
Are you giving yourself the space to grow… or are you trapped in a container that’s too small for you?
“Growth” is a very broad term, and when we think about growth in our personal lives, can often find the term “growth” relating to personal improvement such as emotional expansion, physical strength, moving up to a new position in your career, increased productivity, achieving set goals, an improved state of health, improving on a skill… the list goes on, and I’m betting you can think of at least one area of your life where you’d like to see improvement or growth.
Some of the best advice I’ve had the pleasure of sharing with others is this:
Stop hindering your self-growth by keeping yourself in places that are too small for. Choose spaces that feel too big for you, even when they’re uncomfortable - because this is where you find growth.
How do I know if I have enough space to grow?
Consider these questions…
Are you wanting to improve something in your life… and do you feel like you have the tools to tackle it?
Do you surround yourself with mentors who challenge you [in a positive way], or is work another thing to check off the list?
Do you make time for your passions… or do they fall at the end of your “to-do” list?
Do you make time for self-care… or is your life too busy taking care of others?
Are you making opportunities to challenge yourself… or living in your comfort zone?
Are you doing something (full-time, part-time, as a passion project or hobby) that makes you excited? Are you dedicating time to it?
Are you making time to do things just for you?
Though it sometimes can be, finding a “bigger container” to settle into doesn’t have to be a grandiose event. I’m not telling you to quit your job or leave your current life behind. What I AM asking you to consider:
Are you feeling “stuck”? Do you feel drained, burnt out, or on the edge of burnout? Are you giving yourself as much love, care & opportunity as you’re giving to those you love the most?
And if so… are there 1 or 2 things you can overcome, do, or change so that you have the space to grow & expand into a state that lights you up?
Just like repotting a plant… making changes can feel uncomfortable at first. And that’s okay! We’ve all heard the phrase, “on the other side of fear is growth”, and while I’m also not telling you to sign up for Fear Factor to sit in a glass box of spiders (because that is nowhere in my foreseeable future), I want to remind you that feeling uncomfortable is OKAY.
You can acknowledge that it’s uncomfortable AND still move forward.
You can acknowledge the fear AND do it anyway.
Choosing to give yourself the space to grow - even when it feels uncomfortable at times - is a way to strengthen your ability to trust in yourself, believe in yourself and improve your overall wellbeing.
You’re doing a disservice to yourself & others holding yourself back by living your life in spaces that you’ve outgrown. Acknowledge that choosing challenges often means discomfort - but when you choose these challenges for yourself, you have the opportunity to overcome them - which gives you the strength you need to tackle challenges life throws your way that you can’t choose (or avoid).
“I would love to, but I don’t have time for it.” I’ve heard it before & I’ve said it before. While I don’t believe every single minute of our life should (or could) be planned - I understand the feeling of not having enough time, and I’m including a few notes for you below on that road bump, as well.
Because you deserve to be in a space that allows you to expand in a way that lights you up - and in turn, brings a little more light to this world.
Examples of holding space for yourself looks like:
Creating a bedtime routine & sticking to it so that you’re well rested enough to wake up & feel like you can take on your day
Setting boundaries
for your time, energy & emotions
Joining a wellness retreat that will help you reset your soul & recharge your inner passions
Stepping outside of your comfort zone
Giving yourself the grace to do things imperfectly
Dedicating 5-30 minutes (whatever is feasible for you at this time; don’t be afraid to start small if it makes it feel more attainable for you") of time every single day to one thing you can do that’s just for you.
Finding a new way to challenge yourself (& overcome those challenges)
Finally signing up for therapy (here is a free resource for finding a therapist in-network or on sliding scale)
Setting a date with yourself to do what you loved doing as a kid - take a dance class, paint, write, play outside, join a community sports league, etc.
Sign up for the thing you keep thinking about, but haven’t yet because you’ve come up with 15 reasons not to
(that’s your ego coming up with ways to protect you from the discomfort of stepping out of your safe zone)
Identifying what is taking up your time that could be used elsewhere; are you doom-scrolling social media? Doing something because you “should”, even when it doesn’t bring you any value?
If you are, how would you feel if you replaced this time with doing something else?
Give yourself the daily water, air & sunlight to keep you thriving - and recognize when you’re in need of a repot to expand. 🪴
You deserve to give yourself as much opportunity & encouragement as anyone else, because you deserve to live a life that feels fulfilling with continuing opportunities to grow, change, adapt & thrive.
If you’re looking for a way to bring more expansion into your life, and you’re not sure where to start, I highly encourage you to consider exploring the Get Rooted: Wellness Retreat in Joshua Tree September 20-24, 2023. You can find all the information about the experience, the space, and pricing here. Be sure to check out the FAQs and of course, if you have any questions, please reach to me.
I’d love to hear your feedback; please feel free to leave comments or your opinion below!